Write CoffeeScript Model Classes like Playframework’s Models

I love how models operate in Playframewok http://www.playframework.org/documentation/1.2.4/model. In this article I will try to do the same with Coffeescript.

Warning : My “POC” works only with recent browsers

So, we are going create a class model step by step.

Automatically generate properties from public fields

class Model
    fields = Object.keys @
    that = @
    fields.forEach (item) ->
      propertyName = item.toString()
      that["_"+propertyName] = that[propertyName]
      Object.defineProperty that, propertyName,
        get: ->
          console.log "Get : ", propertyName, that["_"+propertyName]
        set: (value)->
          console.log "Set : ", propertyName, value
          that["_"+propertyName] = value
        enumerable: true
        configurable: true

What’s going on?

  • The class constructor parses each field of itself (Object.keys @)
  • Create (for each field) a new field prefixed with “_”
  • Create (instead of each field) a property (with the same name)

Then, when you write bob.name it’s bob._name wich is returned, when you write bob.name="Bob" it’s bob._name wich equals "Bob".

Remark :

You shoul have noticed that i use : that = @, it’s a javascript habit. In fact, it’s better using “fat arrow”, see http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/# fat_arrow, and then, there is no need to use the artificial that = @ :

class Model
    fields = Object.keys @

    fields.forEach (item) =>
      propertyName = item.toString()
      @["_"+propertyName] = @[propertyName]
      Object.defineProperty @, propertyName,
        get: =>
          console.log "Get : ", propertyName, @["_"+propertyName]
        set: (value)=>
          console.log "Set : ", propertyName, value
          @["_"+propertyName] = value
        enumerable: true
        configurable: true

Use it

# Human Model
class Human  extends Model
    @name = name

# Task Model
class Task extends Model
    @label = label
    @priority = "strong"

task1 = new Task "Milk"
task2 = new Task "Butter"

bob = new Human "BOB"
sam = new Human "SAM"

task1.label = "Remember the milk"
bob.name = "Bobby"

console.log sam.name

console.log task1, task2, bob, sam

I launch this code in a navigator (you can use node.js too if you want), and i get this :

Alt "coffeemods01.png"

I want to subscribe to “changes”

This approach is more “javascript/coffescript” than “playframework” but it’s interesting for the development of web pages.

Create a Event class :

class Event
  @send:(eventName, data)->
    evt = document.createEvent("Event")
    evt.initEvent eventName, false, false
    evt.data = data
    document.dispatchEvent evt

Update the Model class :

class Model
    fields = Object.keys @

    fields.forEach (item) =>
      propertyName = item.toString()
      @["_"+propertyName] = @[propertyName]
      Object.defineProperty @, propertyName,
        get: =>
          console.log "Get : ", propertyName, @["_"+propertyName]
        set: (value)=>
          # save old value
          old = @["_"+propertyName]
          console.log "Set : ", propertyName, value
          @["_"+propertyName] = value

          # fire change event
          Event.send "Change",
            property: propertyName
            newValue : value
            oldValue : old

        enumerable: true
        configurable: true

Use it

# Human Model
class Human  extends Model
    @name = name

# Task Model
class Task extends Model
    @label = label
    @priority = "strong"

document.addEventListener "Change", ((e) ->
  console.log "Change", e.data
), false

task1 = new Task "Milk"
bob = new Human "BOB"

task1.label = "Remember the milk"
bob.name = "Bobby"

I launch this code in a navigator, and i get this :

Alt "coffeemods02.png"

I want a list of models for each child class model

I mean, if i have a Task class Model, i want something like that : ask.list, if i have a Human class Model, i want : Human.list.

I’ll do it this way: in the constructor of the model, I will check if the field list exists for the parent class of the instance. If not, I add it (creepy ? yes a little, but useful).

Therefore, modify our Model class : (see last two lines of the class)

class Model
    fields = Object.keys @

    fields.forEach (item) =>
      propertyName = item.toString()
      @["_"+propertyName] = @[propertyName]
      Object.defineProperty @, propertyName,
        get: =>
          console.log "Get : ", propertyName, @["_"+propertyName]
        set: (value)=>
          # save old value
          old = @["_"+propertyName]
          console.log "Set : ", propertyName, value
          @["_"+propertyName] = value

          # fire change event
          Event.send "Change",
            property: propertyName
            newValue : value
            oldValue : old

        enumerable: true
        configurable: true

    # create static list of models
    if not @.__proto__.constructor.list
      @.__proto__.constructor.list = []

Add a save method (in memory) to the class Model

What i want ? If i save a model, it adds itself to the list, if it’s a new model, an id (guid) is automatically generated (if not exists) and the model is pushed to the list. If id exists, we check if model exists in the list, if not it is pushed too, if it exists, updates are automatically reflected (the magic of javascript ;) (*) ).

Then, i add a save method and a static guid method (to generate GUID) to the Model class :

  @guid : ->
    S4 = ->
      (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring 1
    S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4()

    list = @.__proto__.constructor.list
    if @id is `undefined` or @id is null or @id is ""
      @id = Model.guid()
      list.push @
      tmp = list.filter((record) =>
        record.id is @.id
      (if not tmp then list.push(@))

(*) : Once the model was saved (and therefore added to the list), you do not have to call the save method at each change (because it is in memory). But it is good practice, especially if we add persistence capabilities in the local storage, for example.

Use it

task1 = new Task "Milk"
task2 = new Task "Beer"

bob = new Human "BOB"
sam = new Human "SAM"


console.log Task.list, Human.list

I launch this code in a navigator, and i get this :

Alt "coffeemods03.png"

Add a delete method (in memory) to the class Model

    list = @.__proto__.constructor.list
    list.splice list.indexOf(@), 1

I want to query my models !!!

First all() and fetch() methods

I add those statics methods to the Model class :

    @result = @list


Use it

# get all tasks

# get all humans

Add a find method

I add this static method to the Model class :

  @find:(fieldOrFunction, value) ->
     if value
       @result = @list.filter((record) ->
         record[fieldOrFunction] is value
       @result = @list.filter(fieldOrFunction)

Use it

Human.find("name", "SAM").fetch()

Human.find((record) ->
  record.name == "SAM" or record.name == "BOB"

Add first, last and from methods

I add those statics methods to the Model class :



  @from:(from, howmuch) ->
    @_from = from
    if @_from >= 0
      @result = @result.slice(@_from, @_from + howmuch)
      delete @_from
      @result = @result.slice(0, howmuch)  if howmuch >= 0

Use it

bob = new Human "BOB"
sam = new Human "SAM"
peter = new Human "PETER"
clark = new Human "CLARK"


console.log "First Human : ", Human.all().first()
console.log "Last Human : ", Human.all().last()

console.log "First Two Humans from first : ", Human.from(0,2).fetch()

I launch this code in a navigator, and i get this :

Alt "coffeemods04.png"

I want to sort my models !!!

I add this static method to the Model class :

  @orderBy:(what, order) ->
    if @list
      if @list.length > 0
        if typeof @list[0][what] is "string"
          @list.sort (s, t) ->
            a = s[what].toLowerCase()
            b = t[what].toLowerCase()
            return -1  if a < b
            return 1  if a > b

          @list.reverse()  if order is "DESC"
          # numerical sort
          if order is "DESC"
            @list.sort (a, b) ->
              b[what] - a[what]
            @list.sort (a, b) ->
              a[what] - b[what]

Use it :


Next time …

We will see how to use localstorage of navigator with our models.

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