Golo, Java, Maven … and MongoDb
The last time (“Golo, Think different” ), i tried to quickly introduce “Golo”, and i explained that Golo was playing very well with Java. You can even generate a Maven project, add java source code and frameworks dependencies!
Create Golo Maven Project
Try this command:
golo new --type maven contacts
It creates a directory contacts
├── src/
| └── main/
| └── golo/
| └── main.golo
└── pom.xml
You can open main.golo
module contacts
function main = | args | {
println ( "Hello contacts!" )
Now, open pom.xml
and search <plugin>
node about exec-maven-plugin
You can see that contacts
is considered as the main class, like the module name of main.golo
with a main
Compile your new Golo project
search <plugin>
node about maven-assembly-plugin
, and add <outputDirectory>./</outputDirectory>
in the <configuration>
Remark: it’s just handier to do that, i agree it’s not probably a very good practice
And now, run the command mvn
and you’ll get a new jar file: contacts-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
that you can run like that:
java -jar contacts-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Add some java code
In the main
directory, create a java
directory, and a package inside, ie org.k33g.tools
with a java class Hello.java
package org . k33g . tools ;
public class HelloWorld {
public void en () {
System . out . println ( "Hello World!" );
public void fr () {
System . out . println ( "Salut à Tous!" );
This is your project:
├── src/
| └── main/
| └── golo/
| | └── main.golo
| └── java/
| └── org/
| └── k33g/
| └── tools/
| └── HelloWorld.java
└── pom.xml
Modifiy your main.golo file
module contacts
import org . k33g . tools . HelloWorld
function main = | args | {
let hello = HelloWorld ()
hello : en ()
hello : fr ()
Build your project: mvn
and run it: java -jar contacts-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
, you’ll get this:
Hello World!
Salut à Tous!
Use an “external” java framework
I love to use MongoDB and it would be fine to “play with it in Golo” ;) then add this dependency inside the <dependencies>
In golo
directory, create a mongo.golo
file and copy this content:
module mongo
import com . mongodb . MongoClient
import com . mongodb . MongoException
import com . mongodb . WriteConcern
import com . mongodb . DB
import com . mongodb . DBCollection
import com . mongodb . BasicDBObject
import com . mongodb . DBObject
import com . mongodb . DBCursor
import com . mongodb . ServerAddress
import org . bson . types . ObjectId
struct mongo = {
_mongoClient ,
augment mongo {
function initialize = | self , databaseName , host , port | {
self : _mongoClient ( MongoClient ( host , port ))
self : _db ( self : _mongoClient () : getDB ( databaseName ))
return self
function db = | self | -> self : _db ()
function collection = | self , collectionName | {
let dbCollection = self : _db () : getCollection ( collectionName )
let newCollection = mongoCollection (
dbCollection ,
null , null , null
return newCollection
function model = | self , collectionName | {
let dbCollection = self : _db () : getCollection ( collectionName )
let newModel = mongoModel ( dbCollection , BasicDBObject ())
return newModel
struct mongoCollection = {
_collection ,
skip ,
limit ,
augment mongoCollection {
function options = | self , cursor | {
if self : sort () isnt null {
cursor : sort ( BasicDBObject ( self : sort () : get ( 0 ), self : sort () : get ( 1 )))
self : sort ( null )
if self : skip () isnt null {
cursor : skip ( self : skip ()) : limit ( self : limit ())
self : skip ( null ) : limit ( null )
return cursor
# helpers :
function cursorToListOfMaps = | self , cursor | { # return list of HashMaps
let models = list []
cursor : each ( | doc | {
let map = doc : toMap ()
let id = doc : getObjectId ( "_id" ) : toString ()
map : put ( "_id" , id )
models : add ( map )
return models
# helpers :
function cursorToList = | self , cursor | { # return list of MongoModels
let models = list []
cursor : each ( | doc | {
let newModel = mongoModel ( self : _collection (), BasicDBObject ())
newModel : fromMap ( doc : toMap ())
models : add ( newModel )
return models
function fetch = | self | {
let cursor = self : _collection () : find ()
self : options ( cursor )
return self : cursorToList ( cursor )
function fetchMaps = | self | {
let cursor = self : _collection () : find ()
self : options ( cursor )
return self : cursorToListOfMaps ( cursor )
function find = | self , fieldName , value | {
let query = BasicDBObject ( fieldName , value )
let cursor = self : _collection () : find ( query )
self : options ( cursor )
return self : cursorToList ( cursor )
function findMaps = | self , fieldName , value | {
let query = BasicDBObject ( fieldName , value )
let cursor = self : _collection () : find ( query )
self : options ( cursor )
return self : cursorToListOfMaps ( cursor )
function like = | self , fieldName , value | {
let query = BasicDBObject ( fieldName , java . util . regex . Pattern . compile ( value ))
let cursor = self : _collection () : find ( query )
self : options ( cursor )
return self : cursorToList ( cursor )
function likeMaps = | self , fieldName , value | {
let query = BasicDBObject ( fieldName , java . util . regex . Pattern . compile ( value ))
let cursor = self : _collection () : find ( query )
self : options ( cursor )
return self : cursorToListOfMaps ( cursor )
function query = | self , query | {
let cursor = self : _collection () : find ( query )
self : options ( cursor )
return self : cursorToList ( cursor )
function queryMaps = | self , query | {
let cursor = self : _collection () : find ( query )
self : options ( cursor )
return self : cursorToListOfMaps ( cursor )
struct mongoModel = {
_collection ,
augment mongoModel {
function id = | self | -> self : _basicDBObject () : getObjectId ( "_id" ) : toString ()
function field = | self , fieldName , fieldValue | {
self : _basicDBObject () : put ( fieldName , fieldValue )
return self
function field = | self , fieldName | -> self : _basicDBObject () : get ( fieldName )
function insert = | self | {
self : _collection () : insert ( self : _basicDBObject ())
return self
function update = | self | {
let id = self : _basicDBObject () : get ( "_id" )
self : _basicDBObject () : removeField ( "_id" )
let searchQuery = BasicDBObject () : append ( "_id" , ObjectId ( id ))
self : _collection () : update ( searchQuery , self : _basicDBObject ())
self : _basicDBObject () : put ( "_id" , ObjectId ( id ))
return self
function fetch = | self , id | {
let searchQuery = BasicDBObject () : append ( "_id" , ObjectId ( id ))
self : _collection () : find ( searchQuery ) : each ( | doc | {
self : _basicDBObject () : putAll ( doc )
return self
function fetch = | self | {
return self : fetch ( self : id ())
function remove = | self , id | {
let searchQuery = BasicDBObject () : append ( "_id" , ObjectId ( id ))
let doc = self : _collection () : find ( searchQuery ) : next ()
self : _basicDBObject () : putAll ( doc )
self : _collection () : remove ( doc )
return self
function remove = | self | {
return self : remove ( self : id ())
function toMap = | self | {
let map = self : _basicDBObject () : toMap ()
map : put ( "_id" , self : id ())
return map
function fromMap = | self , fieldsMap | {
self : _basicDBObject ( BasicDBObject ( fieldsMap ))
return self
function toJsonString = | self | -> JSON . stringify ( self : toMap ())
function fromJsonString = | self , jsonString | {
let bo = BasicDBObject ()
bo : putAll ( JSON . parse ( jsonString ))
self : _basicDBObject ( bo )
return self
Modify main.golo to play with MongoDB
Change the content of main.golo
by this:
module contacts
import mongo
function main = | args | {
let mongocli = mongo () : initialize ( "ducksdb" , "localhost" , 27017 )
let riri = mongocli : model ( "ducks" )
: field ( "firstName" , "Riri" )
: field ( "lastName" , "Duck" )
: insert ()
let fifi = mongocli : model ( "ducks" )
: field ( "firstName" , "Fifi" )
: field ( "lastName" , "Duck" )
: insert ()
let loulou = mongocli : model ( "ducks" )
: field ( "firstName" , "Loulou" )
: field ( "lastName" , "Duck" )
: insert ()
let ducks = mongocli : collection ( "ducks" )
ducks : fetch () : each ( | duck | {
println ( duck : toJsonString ())
ducks : fetchMaps () : each ( | duck | {
println ( duck )
ducks : like ( "firstName" , ".*i.*" ) : each ( | duck | {
println ( duck : toJsonString ())
Now, build your project: mvn
, launch MongoDb server (mongod
) and run your jar: java -jar contacts-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
, you’ll get something like this:
{ "firstName" : "Riri" , "lastName" : "Duck" , "_id" : "53a9514b30043a04aa8f1cb5" }
{ "firstName" : "Fifi" , "lastName" : "Duck" , "_id" : "53a9514b30043a04aa8f1cb6" }
{ "firstName" : "Loulou" , "lastName" : "Duck" , "_id" : "53a9514b30043a04aa8f1cb7" }
{ _id=53a9514b30043a04aa8f1cb5, firstName=Riri, lastName=Duck }
{ _id=53a9514b30043a04aa8f1cb6, firstName=Fifi, lastName=Duck }
{ _id=53a9514b30043a04aa8f1cb7, firstName=Loulou, lastName=Duck }
{ "firstName" : "Riri" , "lastName" : "Duck" , "_id" : "53a9514b30043a04aa8f1cb5" }
{ "firstName" : "Fifi" , "lastName" : "Duck" , "_id" : "53a9514b30043a04aa8f1cb6" }
So you can see it’s very easy to create hybrid projects (Golo+Java+Mongo+ … and so on).
Have fun with Golo!