My small arrangements with Angular
Angular (1.x) isnât my favorite tool. I love (and prefer) of Backbone, essentially because of Models and Collection, but I donât like Views, I prefer web components as Polymer or even better Riot (Riot is more about custom tags than web components, but functionally, itâs almost the same thing).
However, I do not always have a choice. As I do not master Angular, I looked for a long time how to use only the Angular directives for making custom tags. I wanted:
- to use some kind of custom tags (with templating)
- to work with Backbone Models and Collections
- to forget Angular controllers, services, rootscope etc âŠ
And this is the sample of my experiments
My requirements are very simple, I want to display the content of a Backbone collection thanks a tag <humans></humans>
var Human = Backbone.Model.extend();
var Humans = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Human
var humansCollection = new Humans([
{id:"001", firstName:"Bob", lastName: "Morane"},
{id:"002", firstName:"Jane", lastName: "Doe"},
{id:"003", firstName:"John", lastName: "Doe"}
So, Iâve created 2 directives:
Human directive (human.js): display a model
var humanTag = angular.module('human.directive', []);
humanTag.directive('human',function() {
return {
template: '<h2>firstName: {{human.get("firstName")}} lastName: {{human.get("lastName")}}</h1>',
scope : {
human: '=model'
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
scope.human.on("change", function() {
We have to bind a human model to the directive (scope : {human: '=model'}
) and the display is updated when the model change.
Humans directive (humans.js): display models of the collection
var humansTag = angular.module('humans.directive', []);
humansTag.directive('humans',['humansCollection', function(humansCollection) {
return {
template: '<div ng-repeat="human in humans"><human model="human"></human></div>',
scope : {},
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
scope.humans = humansCollection.models
humansCollection.on("add", function() {
The previous directive is nested in this directive (<human model="human"></human>
) and we bind the model with each instance of the human directive when parsing the collection. The display is update when we add a model (or when a model change, but itâs only the nested item that is updated).
Updates of my html page
<div ng-app="app">
// declaration of the two directives
var app = angular.module("app", ['human.directive', 'humans.directive']);
var Human = Backbone.Model.extend();
var Humans = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: Human
var humansCollection = new Humans([
{id:"001", firstName:"Bob", lastName: "Morane"},
{id:"002", firstName:"Jane", lastName: "Doe"},
{id:"003", firstName:"John", lastName: "Doe"}
// I add my collection as a value of app, then
// the collection is "visible" for the humans directive
app.value("humansCollection", humansCollection);
And thatâs all! ⊠Finally, Angular 1.x, itâs fun ;)