Open IOT Challenge: start-up

I participate in the Open IOT Challenge (of the Eclipse Foundation). For some time, I wondered: “How can I test my backends infrastructure with thousands of connected objects (or more) without these objects?”. My idea is to develop a simulator of things. So, my project is a software simulator of connected devices and gateways. It will be a DSL with Groovy and Golo like this:

def coapGateway001 = new CoapGateway(id:"coapgw001", coapPort: 5683, execEnv: env, locationName: "Home")
def coapGateway002 = new CoapGateway(id:"coapgw002", coapPort: 5686, execEnv: env, locationName: "Work")

        new DHTSensor(id:"dhtRoom1", locationName: "ROOM1"),
        new DHTSensor(id:"dhtRoom2", locationName: "ROOM2"),
        new LightSensor(id:"lightRoom9A", locationName: "ROOM9"),
        new LightSensor(id:"lightRoom9B", locationName: "ROOM9")
]).start {
    while (true) {

        new DHTSensor(id:"dhtRoom3",locationName: "OFFICE01"),
        new DHTSensor(id:"dhtRoom4",locationName: "OFFICE02"),
        new DHTSensor(id:"dhtRoom5",locationName: "OFFICE03"),
        new SoundSensor(id:"soundRoom6",locationName: "OFFICE02"),
        new DHTSensor(id:"dhtRoom7",locationName: "OFFICE04"),
        new DHTSensor(id:"dhtRoom8",locationName: "OFFICE05"),
        new SoundSensor(id:"soundRoom9",locationName: "OFFICE03"),
        new DHTSensor(id:"dhtRoom10",locationName: "OFFICE06"),
.start {
    while (true) {
        coapGateway002.notifyAllSensors() // I want all data of my sensors each 5s

Firstly, it will come with three kinds of Gateway simulators (software):

  • CoAP,
  • MQTT
  • and “Virtual” (for tests)

and with some Sensors simulators (software) with random data (ie: DHT sensors, light, and even a herd of animals)

but the DSL will be extandable. This DSL will allow to test/stress existing IOT backend platforms too. For certain scenario, it will be scalable and with high availability (eg: create a virtual platform to query thousand of CoaP resources).

The implemented technologies will include:

  • CoAP (Californium)
  • MQTT (Paho)
  • Groovy for the core DSL
  • Golo to create specific DSL from the core DSL
  • Vert-X and Hazelcast (high availability)
  • Nodejs (and some frameworks)

The project name is Atta, and you will be able (soon) to follow its progress on

Stay tuned :)

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