AttA, last step (for the moment)

I participate in the Open IOT Challenge . And my project is a simulator of things (connected devices and gateways). It names AttA, and it’s a DSL written with Groovy and Golo

Sensors and Gateways

AttA can work with MQTT and CoAP. You can easily simulate sensors:

class TinySensor extends TemplateSensor {
  Integer value = 0
  Integer delay = 1000 // default delay is 5000 ms
  void generateData() {
    this.value =  new Random().nextInt(500)

  Object data() {
    return [
        "kind": "Tiny",
        "locationName": "@Home",
        "value": this.value,
        "unit": "something"

and gateways:

def gateway = new MQTTGateway(
  mqttId: "mqtt_g01",
  locationName: "somewhere",
  broker: broker
).sensors([ // add some sensors to the gateway
    new TinySensor(id:"001"),
    new TinySensor(id:"002")

gateway.connect(success: { token ->
  gateway.start {
    // every 2 seconds, the gateway notifies the sensors to get data
    every().seconds(2).run {
      // the gateway publishes the data on the "home/sensors" topic
        .publish(success: {publishToken -> println "yeah!"})

If you need to embed your simulator, you can use Golo too:

function PoneySensor = |id| {

  let x = Observable(0)
  x: onChange(|value| -> println("#  sensor "+ id + " x:"+value))

  let y = Observable(0)
  y: onChange(|value| -> println("#  sensor "+ id + " x:"+value))

  let sensorDefinition = Adapter()
    : extends("org.typeunsafe.atta.sensors.TemplateSensor")
    : overrides("generateData", |super, this| {
        x: set(java.util.Random(): nextInt(500))
        y: set(java.util.Random(): nextInt(500))
    : overrides("data", |super, this| {
        return map[
          ["id", this: id()],
          ["kind", "PoneySensor"],
          ["locationName", "@Rainbow"],
          ["x", x: get()],
          ["y", y: get()],
          ["unit", "coordinates"]

  let sensorInstance = sensorDefinition: newInstance()

  sensorInstance: id(id)
  sensorInstance: delay(2000)

  return sensorInstance

Use “abilities” to add features to your sensors

Thanks Groovy’s traits you can easily add abilities to a simulator, For example, this is the temperature ability:

trait temperature {
  Double minTemperature = -10.0
  Double maxTemperature = 10.0
  Double B = Math.PI / 2
  Double unitsTranslatedToTheRight = new Random().nextInt(5).toDouble()
  String temperatureUnit = "Celsius"

  Double temperatureValue = null

  Double amplitude() { return (maxTemperature-minTemperature)/2 }
  Double unitsTranslatedUp() { return minTemperature + amplitude() }

  Double getTemperatureLevel(Double t) {
    return amplitude() * Math.cos(B *(t-unitsTranslatedToTheRight)) + unitsTranslatedUp()


Then the TemperatureSensor is very easy to implements:

class TemperatureSensor extends TemplateSensor implements temperature, location {
  String topic = "temperatures" // emission topic

  void generateData() {
    LocalDateTime now =
    Double t = now.getMinute() + now.getSecond() / 100
    this.temperatureValue = this.getTemperatureLevel(t)

  Object data() {
    return [
        "kind": "TC°",
        "temperature":["value": this.temperatureValue, "unit": this.temperatureUnit]

More complicated things

You can simulate more complicated things, like this:

Atta and me?

I use Atta to create scenario for my personal projects like BoB:next which is a project of “remote presence robot”. And I use MQTT to send message to “BoB” (to move it for example), or to get message from “BoB”.

I know, “BoB” is ugly, but I can exchange data and test automatically some scenarios thanks to AttA, like sending some movement command whenan obstacle is detected.

I’m already thinking of the next version of Atta (probably a only Golo version).

Stay tuned!

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